Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Other examples of Interactive Fiction books

There are many other types of interactive fiction books besides 'Choose your own adventure books'
not just different styles but ones made for another audience.

Another interactive fiction book is the Chooseomatic Books, they have one called Zombocalypse Now, it’s a comedy/horror book with undead hordes, internet dating, improper police procedure, and the very real danger that you’ll lose your grip on reality and wind up chewing the carpets. With 112 possible endings, you could be reading the book for a long time to find the ending you want.

If you go on there website you can go through the first 70 pages of the book, to get a feel for it and if you enjoy it, you can buy it from the same site. http://chooseomaticbooks.com/zombocalypse-now-excerpt/

Another kind of interactive fiction story is ' Beer, women and bad decisions' by Shawn Harris.

This one is different to the rest, this is a adult choose your ending story.
'Adopt the life of a somewhat average, late twenty-something who has broken up with his girlfriend and is ready to hit the night looking for love... or at least a little nookie. CHOOSE HOW YOU DRESS! CHOOSE YOUR WINGMAN! CHOOSE YOUR FATE! Will your night end with a wild rumpus in the sack with some filly? Can you bed the cougar? Or will horrible tragedy leave you dead in some back alley? YOU MAKE THE DECISIONS THAT DETERMINE THE STORY.'

You Are the Messiah! (Choose A Choice Books) by Brock LaBorde is another sort of choose your ending story but for adults again, its a religious parody.

In You Are the Messiah!, take a humorous and irreverant journey through the life of Jesus Christ-the lives he touches, the miracles he executes, and the roads he travels during the most tumultuous period of his life-from the clumsy beginning of his ministry, to the development of his fabled miracle-working powers, and ultimately, to his tortured sacrifice on the cross as he struggles with becoming humanity’s unlucky savior. Turn the page, but watch out. The choices made at the end of each plot point can either further the story along the correct path, lead to crazy side stories, or end in a comically brutal death-or much worse. Along the way, you will get the chance to answer one age-old question: What would Jesus really do?

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